Thursday, November 16, 2006

Working in Coal Mine...

...but for a fraction of what coal miners make. I finally found a job in anticlimatic fashion. I decided to stop by and talk to someone about jobs when I was at the mountain on Tuesday. I was hired on the spot simply because I agreed to take a drug test. Apparently the bar is not set too high at Mt. Bachelor. Last year everyone who passed the drug test was hired. I feel great to be included in such an exclusive group. My new job will be tuning skis and snowboards. I enjoy this work, but can't help being depressed about being paid $8/hr. I am pretty sure I made that much in high school. The remedy...remember why I came here (to snowboard not make money), and stick it to the mountain any way I can (give everyone I know free tuneups whenever I can).

Through the process of looking for a job I have come to a conclusion similar to my conviction that most people's IQ decreases substantially when they get behind the wheel of a car (I am also prone to this at times). My new conclusion is that there is a certain percentage of the population that when given the power and responsibility to hire people consciously or unconsciously turn up there ass-hole meter. Why is it so hard for people to call back and simply say "we don't need any new employees at this time?" The amount of time and stress this simple phrase could have saved me is immense.

One more rant: Not only have I been very pissed off at Wells Fargo of late due to their handling of some large deposits I made, they now put commercials for their various services into the scripts for their automated phone systems. So not only does it require speaking to several different people to change your address on different accounts or services they provide, but now you have to sit through their self-promotion. Up yours Wells Fargo.


kungfuramone said...

Dude: Washington Mutual is way better. (Almost) everything's free and they're easy to deal with.

Rachel said...

I had some unpleasant experiences with WaMu. I like USBank better, but my parents HATED Wells Fargo when they switched when we moved to California. Also, USBank helpline - very helpful. I've called it WAY too many times, though.

Kudos on the job. :) And, as I keep telling myself, it's not about the money - it's about the fact that you can do what you want in your spare time. :)

r? said...

Dude, I feel you pain. HellsCargo can suck something fierce.

r? said...
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