Tuesday, November 07, 2006

One more reason to vote

I have to add one more reason to Kungfuramone's excellent list of reasons to vote.
1. Pick someone that votes the opposite of what you do and then classify your vote as a "cancellation" vote. For instance, I am always especially motivated to vote so that I can cancel out my dad's vote. I get special satisfaction from this because he is one of those people that you cannot persuade, sway, or enlighten once he has made up his mind. So in effect, his vote for the Republicans is cancelled by my vote for the Dem's, ha ha ha (maniacal laughter as I mark my ballot). There are plenty of people out there whose vote needs a good cancelling - whose will it be?

Disclaimer - I really like my dad - I just don't talk to him about politics.


Rachel said...

This was my rationale in 2004 (since Kerry was a lamebrain), except that both of my parents voted for Bush, so I was only able to cancel out one. One does what one can....

Brian, Brain, B-town, Ginger, Mississippi Jim, etc. said...

Ill do you one better than merely canceling dad's vote...Make that two Democratic votes for the the fam. COUNT IT!

Matto said...