Friday, December 22, 2006

You promised not to laugh

So, here are a couple pictures of my anorexic Christmas Tree. It also suffers from a serious lack of ornaments. Building a collection of Christmas ornaments and decorations, while certainly a worthwhile endeavour, does not fit very well with my "accumulate as little as possible in order to stay mobile" goal. So, yes, that is a handmade paper chain ornament I learned how to make in Kindergarten. The pictures are crappy, but they're the best I can muster after a long day of work.

I have to give my brother and sister a shout out for making me laugh harder than I have lauged in a long time. They emailed me a recording of their rendition of Coldplay's song, Clocks. Sarah playing the piano was very good, while Brian's vocals were, uh, shall we say, an interesting interpretation of Coldplay's recording. I thought they sounded a lot like a cross between a drunk crow and a sick cow. Keep up the good work.


Dolce Vita said...

It's beautiful! And huge (our's is about 2 feet). Thanks for the pictures.

Matto said...

Thanks for the compliment V.

another kind of nerd said...

Well done, Matto. You've mastered the art of minimalist lifestyle *and* minimalist Christmas.

Brian, Brain, B-town, Ginger, Mississippi Jim, etc. said...

A DRUNKEN CROW AND COW!? I guess i have to admit that it wasn't my best performance.

Brian, Brain, B-town, Ginger, Mississippi Jim, etc. said...

A DRUNKEN CROW AND COW!? I guess i have to admit that it wasn't my best performance.

Sarah said...

We had mom and dad listen and they really didn't give us much of a response, which was to be expected. They don't really understand our humor. They were pretty confused I think.

Sarah said...

I love the tree by the way.