Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Let the Betting Begin

I have taken on the task of pet-sitting a tortoise and a hare. Actually I don't know if a lop-eared rabbit qualifies as a hare - I don't know what characterizes a hare. Perhaps a rabbit simply needs to be living in the English countryside happily raiding nearby radish patches etc...

In the interest of proving Aesop right (I like to think that slow and steady can win) I am hoping to organize a race between the two beasts. The course is not set, but will unfortunately not involve quaint country lanes, but rather carpeted hallways and a couch.

For those of you wanting to place a wager, the rabbit is reminds me very much of a certain rabbit named Pesto and the tortoise is about six or seven inches long by five or so wide and four tall. Good luck to all.


another kind of nerd said...

I'm puttin' two bits on the tortise.

Dolce Vita said...

Will the tortoise be expected to scale said couch, or simply overcome the obstacle by any means possible?

Matto said...

The course will likely go around the couch, I may throw some pillows in the path. There would be an option to go over or around the obstacles.

Brian, Brain, B-town, Ginger, Mississippi Jim, etc. said...


kungfuramone said...

I can say this definitively: if Pesto were the rabbit (hares are indeed a different species, although both rabbits and hairs are lagomorphs) involved, she would lose. Because she'd spend the whole time off the race track looking for treats.