Saturday, November 10, 2007

I bit the bullett

It's official, I'm going to be a bona fide volunteer at Mt. Rushmore. The responsibility of building experience in the NPS sent the life of a ski bum running away with its tail between its legs. In the end, I simply couldn't justify giving up the opportunity to get more experience in the hopes that I will be able to determine my future with the NPS that much sooner. Not that I wasn't sad to see the defeated option retreating, quite the opposite. I will miss that lifestyle for sure and I hope it will be back sometime in the future. Overall, it feels great to have the weight of decision making off of my shoulders, but I'm sure the weight will be replaced by some gloomy days as I ponder the life of a 28 year old living at home. I'm confident though that it is temporary and that I can make RC a decent place to spend a winter saving money. So, I know that hundreds of you out there have burning questions about Mt. Rushmore. Whip those questions into shape and ask me in a couple weeks. I know you can't wait. With that, my belly-aching posts are done. Thank goodness for that.


Trust in Steel said...

You'll make it work for the best!

kungfuramone said...

You will be such a badass ranger they will carve YOUR face up next to the presidents after just one season!

Nancy said...

I can`t wait to come visit you at Mt. Rushmore! March 2008 - we`ll have to live it up! If it helps, I'm bound to be living at home for a bit this year too :) Have fun and make that NPS experience worthwhile!

Dolce Vita said...

Congrats! While this isn't exactly what you might hope for the winter, it must be nice to have the decision made?

I thought I heard there was snow in that region long about December and January (and October and November and February and March and April and sometimes May). I hope you can find just enough to float a snowboard while you're there.

Rachel said...

too bad it doesn't have 'devil' or something similar in the title of the park/monument. :)

Cabiria said...

Congrats on the decision-making! That's usually 3/4 of the battle for me. My first question on the Mt. Rushmore front is: do they let you climb the side of it? And are there secret CIA bunkers inside like in the movies?