Monday, February 12, 2007

My Eugene Fix

I'm back at home in Bend safe and sound after a great weekend in Eugene. I remembered how much I like the former town of Prefontaine (who I thought was a band when I first moved there). The moisture, the greenery, the eclectic mix of people, the university, and the overall character of of the town are all a fantastic contrast to Bend. Bend has its good qualities and I'm having a good winter, but its no Eugene. Of course the high point of the trip was spending time with good friends. Much good food was consumed, a lot of alcohol was indulged in, and at least one cup of super strong coffee courtesy of Elizabeth rocked my world.

Here's a shout out to my homies in Eugene for providing good times and places to stay.


kungfuramone said...

Well, dude, you now have to grow a huge beard and become the BEST GUITARIST EVER just to start Prefontaine, the Rockingest Band in the Central Oregon High Desert. Because THAT, sir, is a great band name!

Side note: I'm not sure why you-as-guitarist immediately makes me think you need a ZZ Top beard. Probably because everyone needs a ZZ Top beard, even the ladies.

another kind of nerd said...

I also know where you could acquire a certain purple wig...

Matto said...

now I'm motivated

Cabiria said...

That purple wig is so perfect for your future band. You rocked that like no one else.

And lady beards immediately make me think of a stoning in a Monty Python movie.

Anonymous said...

prefontaine eh? great name, except its been used already by a great runner called steve prefontaine, and a movie was made about hime in 97 called funnily enough..."prefontaine", funnily enough again he went to the university of oregon!! its a funny old world!!!