Sunday, May 18, 2008

Home again, home again

The siblings and I made it safely back to the states on Friday night. Since then, I've been packing, satisfying a month long craving for peanut butter, French toast, and ketchup, and battling an annoying head cold that caught up with me. Today I drive to Yellowstone and jump right into work tomorrow. I'll post some pics of the trip when I get settled into the new job.


SuperJew said...

Welcome home comrade!!!! Sounds like you have a hectic schedule coming up. Hope you can get some rest to kick that cold. I've been sick for a couple weeks now and I think sleep probably helps the most. So maybe some snooze breaks in Yellowstone! Can't wait to see your photos!

Cabiria said...

Good luck with the move and the cold-kicking -- ditto on the photo anticipation!

Dolce Vita said...

Welcome back. Yellowstone seems to me to be a good transition from a month abroad. If you have to come back the states, it's a nice place to be (except, of course, for the lame tourists, but you're getting there early and can enjoy the park before they become overwhelming).

Trust in Steel said...

Glad to see you had a great trip and made it back in one piece. Good luck on the new job!

Mariah Crystal said...

mucho con gusto!
hope you had a killer time!
me, i'm livin that office space dream. ha ha. actually, life is good - i am headed to DC this weekend to par-tay with the bride to be!
can't wait to see you again soon.
have a great time in YELLOW-STONE. oowwt oowwttt! that is my party call. ha ha.
- No Liah